Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The kids in the hall

I know I rant a lot but the kids in the hall have seriously lost it. I work at the front desk of some dorm that is known for its particularly laid back but sometimes crazy atmosphere. Figuring this, I took the late night shifts Mondays so I could get some work done. I mean who really drinks on a Monday night? Surprisingly many more than I would’ve ever imagined. Fine, drink. But do you have to get sloppy on a Monday night?? I have a bunch of obnoxious little kids (mostly freshman who think it’s oh so awesome and hardcore to drink little flavored smirnoffs and alize) stumbling in and then f'n congregating in the lounge all loud for like 30 minutes. I wouldn’t care as much if they just came in and went straight to their rooms or even their floor but then again I guess it defeats the purpose of drinking your liver off and not let everyone know that you had 1/2 a beer and got drunk. I think the worst case of 'most likely to fail out after one semester' has to be the infamous coke(+more) four. Honestly...why?? "My nose hurts" Yeah, it's probably from sniffing all that god damn coke!

Stupid late shift keeps throwing my sleeping pattern way off and as annoyed as I sound from all these frequent observations, it mostly saddens me how much time, money, 'education' is being wasted within all this. I guess if they're able to waste that much money on drugs and alcohol it doesn't really matter.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Aww poop.

So I've been back in Oswego for a little over a week now and I'm pretty content thus far. It's everything I expected and then some. I love working in Funnelle since it's laid back but the 1-3 am shifts are kinda rough. Umm I was bored yesterday so my friend dyed my hair and now it's a bit orange-ish on top but I'm going to wash it out again to see if it changes? (probably not lol) Let's see...I miss some of the folks from home and I've realized that I've been here for far too long. I'm really thinking about graduating in December 08' just to start my masters asap. Well that is unless I find a job abroad (which I'm counting on) so I don't have to stress about it here. Is it so wrong that my heart just doesn't seem to be in it for teaching? I don't want to be a crappy, miserable teacher that students hate. Maybe I'm just overthinking it... I love helping people out but this program has really made me lose a lot of interest in teaching. Well time is winding down so I know I need to make a decision real soon...hopefully I'll have an epiphany real f'n soon!
Jen. We all miss you!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

wikipedia- move over!

you tube...so yesterday! I might be really late on this but just in case...introducing Conservapedia & Qubetv with awesome videos like hurr. There's one video I saw on the Daily Show where they change Barack Obama into Osama which is slightly amusing and saddening...but anywho, thought you cool kids should see these awesome little sites!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I love, love, looove Kings of Convenience oh.so.much.

Guess who might greeting the summer away at Verizon Wireless??! Yaaay! Then I can finally fix my laptop for the 263782 time and upload some summer fotos :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summertime update

Hey hey kiddies...been home for a month and there have been lots of changes...okay not really but the main thing is that I'll be home for the summer after all. I'm just needed at home right now more than I am in PA. I've been searching for jobs around here which is a lot more difficult than I expected so I extended my hunt into Manhattan. The interview went well soo we'll see. I'm really hoping for the position (clerical) because the city commute is actually quite enjoyable/amusing to me. The characters you see out on the street are just too much. And if that doesn't get you then the love of listening to talented musicians in the subway and street corners (so much better than listening to the radio) should. This group Hypnotic Brass Ensemble was playing in Times Square by the subway stop; seriously good music that I haven't heard in a while! Nice beat, smooth melodies..beautiful!
Later that night, I went to Webster Hall to see what the deal was with this place. So expensive ($5 for WATER) and some of the same songs were being rotated on the different floors (tsk tsk). 6 out of 10 Webster! Four hours later I had the pleasure of waiting for the 5 a.m. train to L.I and watching many of the lovely Long Islanders do what they do best (especially with some alcohol in them): be obnoxious! Of course I caught a lot of slack (followed by silent treatment) for getting home in the a.m. but it was fun and very much so worth it! Wish me luck on the job hunt and the hunt for my phone!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My little Brazilian poopsie bear

Goood Evening!

Sooo let's see... my laptop's battery input is broken for the 92830093rd time so I have to send it out. I'm wondering if I can plug my camera into my brother's computer so I can transfer all the pics I have. Summer is going just peachy...some days slower than others but it's fine. Do you know how much $1150 for 8 weeks is equivilent to?? About $2.50ish/hr. (A little under minimum wage)

I'm too sleepy to continue being bloggerific for the night soo til' then! Hihihi :)