Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Follow the river.

Things I have not done in foreverrrrrr- blog. I am such a poor blogger. Instead, I stick to the old-fashioned journal. If I posted nearly half the things I'd consider sharing on here, someone might report me. Well, what to share. Every time I write on here, I feel as though I'm in the process of going through some major transition. I don't really think anyone reads this, but I was talking to a friend of mine who asked if I still "blogged." I guess I'm partly writing because of that as well. Well, I'm not working at MetLife anymore. I don't especially yearn for those days either, but I sometimes wish I had been working there so I could've made some alternate choices. You live and learn I suppose. Rather than living in full regret, I've decided to take the initiative to make a detour down the winding road called life. Forgive the cliche catch phrases but I tend to write in this cheesy format when wanting express five million things all at once. I might regret the choice I've made later on, but at least I'll fulfill the curiosity that harbors over me. (okay, done with the non-sensical rambling)I teach at an elementary school that is predominantly 'Hispanic/Latino'. It's pretty great because I really enjoy using my Spanish with the parents and the kids despite how poor it might sound to their standards. Most of them are central american so I'm sure my accent occasionally throws them off. Also, many times, I don't look hispanic to them which also throws them off. (Even with a spanish surname). I've gotten turkish, greek, salvadorian, columbian, etc. Not that it matters all that much, but I guess it's kinda cool that I can throw people off like that. Maybe it's the cluster of freckles on my cheeks or my fine European features. Haha. I jest.This week, we're giving the NYSESLAT (speaking part) which filled with asinine questions. *Correction- all four parts are filled with them. One question that isn't so terrible on the test is "Tell me about your favorite food." Then, there's the "My favorite color is blue" statement that students are supposed to reply to. :sigh: (Not so great). Well, today one of the students I was testing (A kindergardener) had a very unique answer to the favorite food question. 99% of the students so far have responded with "Pizza" or "Popcorn chicken" (which shows off the awesome variety offered at our school cafeteria). When the little girl told me "sushi" I smiled. Then, she went on. "Mmmm...yeah I really like sushi, my favorite food is sushi!" I couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable that she felt so strongly about sushi. Her favorite roll is the avocado. Kinda cool, especially for a five year old living in NY. And kudos to her parents for exposing her to different cuisine. She is a cute little hispanic girl in dual. I hope she travels the world one day.The past 8 months were also that of l-o-v-e. Aw. Blah. It hurt. It sucked. It was great. I still feel it (the infatuation, except it was a bit more than that). I didn't even think I'd fall hard again. I was sort of infatuation for a stupid amount of time (i.e. years) which made me determined to never fall again. Hm...to fall. Hoping to find a happy medium one day. Meaning someone who might actually appreciate me or legitimately mean it. Then again, I'm still trying to learn to do the same. I'm working on it.I still believe in love, peace and happiness despite the constant disappointments. Some people call it naive; I'll just call it hopeful.