Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Aww poop.

So I've been back in Oswego for a little over a week now and I'm pretty content thus far. It's everything I expected and then some. I love working in Funnelle since it's laid back but the 1-3 am shifts are kinda rough. Umm I was bored yesterday so my friend dyed my hair and now it's a bit orange-ish on top but I'm going to wash it out again to see if it changes? (probably not lol) Let's see...I miss some of the folks from home and I've realized that I've been here for far too long. I'm really thinking about graduating in December 08' just to start my masters asap. Well that is unless I find a job abroad (which I'm counting on) so I don't have to stress about it here. Is it so wrong that my heart just doesn't seem to be in it for teaching? I don't want to be a crappy, miserable teacher that students hate. Maybe I'm just overthinking it... I love helping people out but this program has really made me lose a lot of interest in teaching. Well time is winding down so I know I need to make a decision real soon...hopefully I'll have an epiphany real f'n soon!
Jen. We all miss you!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Aww! You posted! I want to see pics of your new hair!
Can't believe they're making you work so last, lucky you that Patty never goes to bed early, so she can chat with you online while you're at the Front Desk!
You're planning on going abroad? That is so cool, Susan!
It's not a big deal that you're not that into teaching, I think you'll find your way with time... Maybe traveling will help you (it always does the trick for me).
Miss you all.